Structured Cabling

Free the Cable Mess!

We all have become more and more dependent to our electronic devices, wire management is a challenge almost everyone faces. It’s especially tough when trying to achieve timeless, uncluttered design. Who wants to see wires mucking up a beautiful composition?

We have creative solutions to keep wires under control and out of sight.

The best solution is to fully integrate wires into a design (where possible) and this takes planning from a professional.

messy cables
tidy cables

Years In The Industry

Satisfied Customers


Committed To Excellence

We have a culture within our business that is adaptable and striving to be excellent in a landscape of change. Our clients experience our Excellence first hand.


The Latest Technology

Technology is evolving very fast. Diversified Technologies NW keeps a pulse on the trends to provide you with the latest technologies.


Excellent Customer Service

Being close to your customers, knowing your customers, knowing what your customers need, and providing a fantastic service to your customers.

Customer Reviews

“The mess of my internet networking box was a chore I could not take on.  Thankfully Diversified Technologies NW sees this frustration all the time from clients and were willing to make my cables neat and tidy along with testing to make sure we were getting the highest potential of internet speeds.”

Donald S